EndNote Workshop

Crimson Mallee, Innovation Hub , Australia

Learn the basics of EndNote referencing software. Please bring your own device with EndNote 20 or 21 loaded.

Zotero Workshop

Crimson Mallee, Innovation Hub , Australia

Can't afford the co$t of EndNote? - Then learn to use the popular free referencing software Zotero (zotero.org). F2F workshop (NOT ON ZOOM) - please bring your own device if possible.

Zotero Workshop

Innovation Office, Innovation Hub

Learn to use the popular free referencing software Zotero (zotero.org) today - the perfect alternative to EndNote. F2F workshop (NOT ON ZOOM) - please bring your own device if possible.

Using the Hub Studio – Voice recording

Recording Studio, Innovation Hub

Do you need to record voice for videos, podcasts or media productions? This 1-hour session includes: a visit to the Innovation Hub's Recording Studio, demonstration of the Rodecaster Pro audio recording panel and mics, demonstration of basic audio editing in Adobe Audition This session is open to Alfred Health and A+ Research Alliance partners.